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7 Signs You Need a New Office

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7 Signs You Need a New Office

Whether you own or rent, office space isn’t cheap.

Although many businesses are moving to 100% work-from-home arrangements, others find that hybrid working or 100% office working works better for their specific situation. For those businesses, finding the best office space is key to long-term success.

In times of change (like now), it can be difficult to work out if you need to take a new approach to your office space. In this article, we explore 7 of the biggest signs that you are ready to find a new office.

1. You Have Ambitious Plans for Growth

One of the most prominent reasons that businesses find themselves needing more office space is because they have ambitious plans for growth. However, many leave it too late in order to consider this. This can mean that as your team grows, productivity can actually dip whilst teams try and work in overcrowded spaces.

Working space should be a primary and early consideration when it comes to growing your business. Once you have a clear idea of how you plan on growing your business, you should take time to explore options for creating a safe and productive working environment for your new and larger teams.

2. Hybrid Working is Impacting Your Needs

When you move from office working to a hybrid system of working, this can have an impact on your office needs. Typically, it will mean you will need a smaller office, as it is unlikely that all employees will require desk space at the same time.

So, if your office starts looking a little empty when a new way of working is introduced - now might be the perfect time to downsize.

Downsizing can save you money and will help you create a better in-office atmosphere for those attending the office on a given day. When downsizing you may also choose a more convenient location, making office days easier and more enjoyable for your teams.

3. Things Are Getting Messy

A tidy office is a productive office. In fact, one study found that a massive 94% of employees felt more productive in a clean and tidy office.

Although there are many systems, tools and protocols you can introduce into your office space to keep it tidier, often these will become insufficient as your business grows. If you find that your office is consistently messy, then it may be time to find a larger space.

Not only will a larger space give your teams more space to work in and limit the impact that clutter has on their mental performance, but it will also offer you the space you need to introduce more comprehensive storage and filing systems.

4. You Want to Impress Clients

Your office tells your clients a lot about your business. A crowded, outdated and messy office could have a negative impact on the way that clients view your business when they visit for meetings or other purposes.

Investing in a new, clean and sleek office space can help communicate your professionalism. It can also help you establish better client areas such as meeting rooms. Larger meeting spaces can also facilitate better tools for client communication such as whiteboardswhiteboards, projectors, notice boards and comfortable seating.

5. Productivity is Diving

Your workplace has a significant impact on the productivity of your team. So, a tired and dreary office can make your employees…well, tired and dreary.

By upgrading your office you grant yourself the opportunity to create a highly productive space. This can include better meeting spaces with co-working tools such as whiteboards, open-plan working spaces and relaxing areas for better team interactions and team building.

Of course, another option is to renovate your current workplace. However, this can be disruptive and only sometimes an option for those renting their office.

6. You Want to Be More Convenient for Employees

Businesses in highly competitive industries always look for ways to make themselves more attractive to industry talent. One way you can do this is to move your office to a location which is highly convenient for your employees. Typically, this comes down to proximity to where they live and transportation links.

For example, you may decide to move your office closer to an area where the majority of your employees live. This would help minimise their commute time and support a better work-life balance.

You may also move to a location which is easier to get to. There are several ways to do this, either by selecting a location which is close to a transportation hub such as a bus/train station or by selecting a site that has ample parking. Which you chose should depend on the preferred transportation modes of your employees.

7. You Want to Locate Nearer to Opportunities

Another reason you may decide to relocate to a new office is to tap into new opportunities. For example, you may decide to move your office closer to a central hub where your biggest or several of your clients are located - this would make it easier to visit them or to invite them into your office for meetings.

You may even relocate closer to the project you are working on. For example, a housing developer may move closer to an area which is undergoing considerable development in order to physically place themselves close to the project in the eyes of their customers.

Signs You Need a New Office: Summary

There are several reasons why you may need a new office, ranging from a need for more/less space to strategically locating yourself in a better position for employees or customers. Ultimately, most businesses will find themselves relocating for one or more of these reasons - each depending on when it becomes financially viable or necessary to do so.

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