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Why Are Notice Boards So Important?

notice board with white post it notes pinned to it - cropped pic

Why Are Notice Boards So Important?

Employee engagement strategies, according to one study by Aberdeen Group, have now been implemented by about 70% of companies worldwide. Evaluating employee engagement, however, is only carried out through formal policies in 68% of companies. h

Engaging with employees is vital in all companies. It’s the best way to keep your employees performing their tasks to the best of their abilities by ensuring that they are content and connected. One way to build this engagement is through your workplace notice boards. Announcing news like work results is easily done through these boards, and they can also help build your company’s identity, act as a bulletin board for new work updates, advertise upcoming events and improve communication amongst co-workers.

Your workplace notice board can create a sense of unity and help your staff to be more productive. Anyone can contribute to this centre of information, or one person can be chosen to maintain the board. The importance of notice boards, then, should never be overlooked by companies.

When you want to share organisational information, outdoor notice boards, big or small, are an incredibly helpful tool. Sharing information among the workforce of almost any organisation or business can be done through an outdoor or indoor notice board. It can be difficult to know which board would be best for your business when you’re just starting out – each organisation has different needs, and there are loads of different types of notice board on the market.

Close up of notice board pinned post it notes - cropped pic

Rest assured that whichever notice board you choose, it will help you to revolutionise the way you communicate in your workplace.


Keeping employees updated is a major concern for some companies. This is something a notice board can help you achieve. Companies can make use of various types of boards, each of which has its own unique functionalities. Most offices, for example, will opt for a cork notice board as its cork backing features allows users to pin up important updates and art work. Instead of using a traditional cork board, however, a company that wants a modern look might invest in a magnetic glass board.

Notice board on office wall example product in situ

Ease of Use

When holding corporate meetings, many companies make the mistake of neglecting the use of notice boards. This can limit employees from contributing to a presentation, as office meetings are time-consuming and involve thought shower sessions. The use of mobile notice boards is just one way that employees can be helped to better execute their ideas. The convenience of these boards makes them ideal for conference rooms, as they are very easy to move around.

A mobile board can make it much easier for employees to contribute towards the meeting. The ease with which these boards can be moved to another spot also makes them suitable for conference rooms that are short of space, as it’s quick and easy to get them out of the way when necessary. It’s easy to maintain a notice board: When additional space is needed, you simply need to remove older notices so that important messages can be added more easily.

Close up of notice board with pinned note saying Open Knowledge

As leading providers of notice boards and many other signage and organisational products, the effective and easy use of notice boards is important to Red17.

Educational institutions across the country – from preschools to universities – make great use of their notice boards, but they can only do this by giving control of the boards to certain members of staff (often the receptionists). Notice boards are incredibly useful for public displays in places like community and health centres, or for hanging in the staffroom of almost any organisation. Employees are free to add content and announcements as they see fit, because the board isn’t owned by anyone in particular.


A notice board’s durability is one of the key factors you must consider when selecting your new display. Notice boards that stand the test of time are a vital investment for any company – for example, a glazed cork board is weather resistant so it can be used outdoors and is less likely to get damaged than other boards.

Close up of notice board with note saying business people

Long term use can be expected from a high-quality board. A board should also be durable, then, when a company is investing in a notice board to help them display information.

Who Runs Your Board?

Removing outdated information and regularly updating the board is a vital role, and it works best if a specific individual takes on this task. If a notice board is mismanaged, a lack of ownership is often the cause. There will be no central message on the board, and it will lack cohesion. The result of this mismanagement is often a board that is swamped and full of old messages. Staff working in the area of the board or the manager in charge of the office can solve this problem by taking ownership of the board.

It doesn’t cost any extra to keep your board well-organised, and it really allows you to make the most of your initial investment. Staff will find it easier to see the board’s messages once the notice board is assigned a specific manager to improve its effectiveness. Keeping your notice board uncluttered and easy to read is key, whether you’re using a sophisticated model or a basic cork board.

Read more: Tips for Effective Use of Notice Boards

Large Cork Notice Board with hundreds of notices - cropped pic

The Research:

Women facing cork notice board in workplace corridor

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